Slurry Pumps: Perfect For Heavy-wearing And Heavy-duty Applications

Pumps that are used in places where the flow of fluid includes abrasives particles or slag need pumps that can withstand such interruptions. These pumps are nothing but centrifugal pumps with materials that can control erosion to it and the parts fitted are easily replaceable.

A slurry pump is majorly used in places where abrasives are highly present during the transfer of fluid, places like mines, petroleum industries sewage treatment plants, etc. Most of these pumps are fixed units and used as a long term machine. Therefore, it heavily relies on the easy replacement of parts during damage.

A slurry pump works similar to a centrifugal pump but just with the addition of damage-resistant materials. A slurry pump houses a motor that power the pump shaft using electrical energy which causes the pump impeller to rotate. As the fluid flows in axially into the impeller, it causes the impeller to have a tangentially and radial effect on the flow of the fluid.

The fluid is thrust outward into the casing by velocity and pressure gain and keeps the fluid flowing. To reduce any type of backflushing in the slurry pump mechanical seal is used between the motor and the pump.

Things to consider in slurry pump

Impeller type: Many types of impellers come for a slurry pump but the most common amongst them are open, semi-open, and enclosed.

  1. Open - Here the vanes are attached to the centre hub and connected to the shaft. The mounting doesn’t have any walls and hence makes cleaning and repair easier. Generally used in smaller pumps and can handle bigger abrasive sizes.

  1. Semi-Open - Here the impeller uses a back wall on to its design this allows the passage of medium-sized solids through it.

  1. Enclosed - Here the vanes are enclosed by a front and a back wall. They are used in larger sized pumps but don’t fare well with solid abrasives but have increased strength.

Impeller size: A pump that deals with abrasives and solid particle require larger sized impellers. This ensures the flow of solids seamlessly and also can take a beating from the particles. A smaller impeller might be faster in functionality but will give away to erosion quicker.

Design: A slurry pump does come in many different shapes and sizes but it is necessary to pick the right one based on your requirements. A stronger and easy to repair pump can last for many years, a more portable pump is effective in transportation but will compromise with its strength.
A slurry pump mechanical seal is also useful in ensuring there is a barrier between the pump and the motor.

Slurry pumps are commonly seen as heavy-duty products and widely used in places where a certain operation is done on a long term basis.

So here are a few of the applications in which slurry pumps are used:

  • Coal mining
  • Concrete construction
  • Sand mining
  • Dewatering industries 
  • Dredging industries


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