What are Fugitive Emissions?

Fugitive emissions are accidental releases of gases which may be caused due to defaults in equipment design resulting in leakage or system errors mostly from industrial activities. This type of leakage is never noticed or sensed through any device.
The term fugitive is used as the emission is not measured in the design of the device, collected by the equipment/systems for pollution control and is not detected by the usual inspection phase of the equipment.
Fugitive pollution can potentially pose a threat to human health, safety, and climate. Fugitive emissions are released from industries such as refineries, during oil extractions and generation of solid fuel, petroleum and gas industries, etc. These toxic compounds from the industries are released into the environment basically due to leaks and major components which contribute to leakage are;
  1. Flanges
  2. Connectors
  3. Valves
  4. Pumps
  5. Compressors
  6. Pressure relief devices
  7. Agitators

What is Fugitive Emissions testing?
As we already know the main sources of fugitive emissions are equipment leaks, process venting, evaporation losses, flaring, and accidents and failures of machinery and facilities. The safest way to reduce fugitive pollution is through periodic fugitive emission testing and repair of such machines and facilities. This process in fugitive emission testing is also known as LDAR (Leak Detection and Repair). Advancement in technology had made it easy to monitor and control the emissions which once escaped undetected.

Need For Fugitive Emission Testing
Fugitive emissions are released from industries containing various toxic gases including volatile organic compounds (VOCs), methane, particulate matters, sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide, Non – Methane Volatile Organic Compounds (NMVOCs), carbon monoxide, etc.
These chemicals are very hazardous to the humankind and ecosystem. If they are not controlled and supervised the following consequences may result from Fugitive emissions.

  • The breathing of toxic gases like Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) could lead to headaches, fatigue, visual disorders, memory impairment, etc. and in many cases may cause death.
  • As the emissions in many cases are the result of improper machinery maintenance, it indirectly indicates the increased risks of accidents and explosion.
  • Accidents and explosion cause huge economic loss due to the loss of resources as well as the loss of labor.
  • It also causes environmental crisis such as global warming, climate change, and other problems

It is therefore important to have fugitive emission testing once in a while.


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